Saturday, September 30, 2006

"The Fountain Of Information" - Sunday, October 01, 2006

After hearing back from several people around the courtyards and via email, I have decided to start a "Paint The Front Doors Program" where I will paint the front doors of anyone who would like it for $15.00 or the price could be as low as $10.00 if enough people participate.  This will include taping off the door lock and handle and wiping down the dull dingy paint with TSP (tri-sodium phosphate) which cleans the oxidation and preps the old paint so that the new paint does not peel off... which is what is going to happen to a lot of the paint that is being done right now since NO prep work was done in most areas.  If you would like to participate in this program, please email me, call me or drop me off a little note so I can further plan this program.  I plan on doing this on a Saturday and/or Sunday within the next couple of weeks so get in touch with me right away so I can get all of the materials I will need.  It would be best if you are home when I am painting your door so I can open the door and paint all the way to the edges but if you are not home, I can still paint what is visible.
I wish I could paint all 94 doors so they would all look "nice" but I can only do this for people who request my services, so there may be a checkerboard effect of some doors freshly painted and other doors with the old dull, dingy paint on them.
One owner told me that Chet Hingle ( said the front doors are the owners responsibility which is why he did not instruct the painters to paint the front doors.  Ummmm.... I have one question?  Who does he think owns the rest of the building that is being painted????  THE OWNERS, THAT'S WHO... or maybe he still doesn't get it!!!!  He is using YOUR MONEY to paint the rest of the building so why doesn't he just use a little more of YOUR MONEY to paint ALL of the front doors?????  After all, this is your money that he confiscated from many of the owners who did not collect their 20% contractor profit and overhead... or it was paid as part of the overall insurance settlement for the common elements... but either way, it is YOUR MONEY, NOT HIS!!!!!
I've been told by a reliable source that there was a fire in unit #17 in the front courtyard.  I know this is one of the many new owners here at Fountain Court so many of us do not know the nice lady who lives there.  I've only talked to her briefly in passing when I was working on one of the units in the front courtyard.  If anybody is in contact with her or her family, please let them know that if there is anything that I or the neighbors here at FCC can do to help, please send me an email or call me and I'll get the word out.
After the recent Special Edition of "The Fountain Of Information", Chet Hingle approached me while I was working on one of our neighbors windows and told me he does not want any emails from me.  As the Board's "hired gun" manager around here, you would think he would want to know what the owners and tenants are thinking or complaining about... but that would take common sense and we all know that Chet is seriously lacking in that department.  Since he has requested that I no longer send him the newsletter, I have taken him off the mailing list but that does not prevent you and the other owners from forwarding a copy to Chet with questions or concerns that you may have.  Remember that his email address is
Until next time... let "The Fountain Of Information" flow!!!!!
Lenny Vasbinder, Editor, Unit #94
Brought to you by:
Neighborhood Home Services            504-621-1870
Gutting & Tearouts, Insulation & Drywall Installation,
Cabinets Installed, Trim & Finishing Work, Flooring
Painting - Interior & Exterior, Handyman Services
Homeowners Contractor's Agent (HCA)

Friday, September 29, 2006

"The Fountain Of Information" - Special Edition - Friday, September 29, 2006

Special Edition - Friday, September 29, 2006
NOTICE - I know it's been a couple of months since I've sent out "TFOI" but part of the reason is because I've been backed up with work and the other part is that I lost my "Address Book" on my computer and it took me a while to restore it.  I'm not sure if I've restored my "Address Book" for everybody here at FCC so please feel free to email or deliver a copy of this "TFOI" to your neighbors.
As many of you have seen, there is some sprucing up and painting going on around FCC, which is a good thing BUT...
In case you missed it in the MEMO that Chet Hingle put out, they are painting the trim around your front door but they are NOT painting the actual doors so you will have a nice shiny trim around your door and a nice dull and dingy front door.  Some of our neighbors have taken it upon themselves to ask the painters to paint their front doors and the painters have complied with these requests so IF YOU WANT YOUR FRONT DOOR PAINTED AND SPRUCED UP, you need to ask the painters to do it and maybe a "tip" would influence their decision.  It's too bad that "Chet's Board" is making you "pay" to have your front door painted when it should have been painted as part of the overall "sprucing up" that is supposed to be going on.
I've heard from many of our neighbors that they wish the Board would have taken requests for a new color scheme rather than going with the same "old" colors but as you probably know by now, "Chet's Board" does not really care what you think.  It's all about what they want to shove down your throats and if you don't like it, then MOVE!!!!  Which, unfortunately, many of our neighbors have chosen to do in the past year.  Approximately 25% of the units have been sold or they are in the process of being sold.  Sure, part of this is because of the post-Katrina rise in value which many took advantage of BUT I've also heard from many others who said they simply do not want to have to put up with Chet's B.S. and the Board's lack of ability to make Chet be a decent human being.
"Chet's Board" continues to abdicate and shirk their responsibility to the owners here at FCC.  Recent incidences involve the leaking roofs, walls, windows and common plumbing issues which people have reported over and over and over with Chet and the Board ignoring these complaints until the people are forced to undertake these "Common Repairs" out of their own pockets.  I have personally seen leaks that have been going on for months and months and I have personally met with Chet Hingle, James Williams and/or Charlie (The Maintenanceman) to show them these issues and the issues were ignored or not timely addressed.  The owners had to take it upon themselves to have the repairs done so they would not have to continue dealing with these leaks.  It's a shame that there are 94 owners of Fountain Court Condominium Association and yet, Chet and the Board seem to think they can just ignore the owners and do whatever they want.  Eventually, one or more of these owners are going to take the appropriate legal action and will be forced to sue Chet, the Board and the Association which will mean added legal expenses to the owners around FCC but what are these leak affected owners supposed to do?   Wait forever?  I think NOT!!! 
This is YOUR newsletter so if you have anything you would like to say to your neighbors or if you would like to reply to anything reported in this newsletter, please send me a note or email and I will promptly publish your request.  This includes if you are selling or renting your unit and wish to notify your neighbors of an available unit.  This is a FREE service provided to the owners at FCC.
Once again... let "The Fountain Of Information" flow!!!!
Sincerely, your friend and neighbor,
Lenny Vasbinder, Unit 94            504-621-1870
Gutting & Tearouts, Insulation & Drywall Installation,
Cabinets Installed, Trim & Finishing Work, Flooring
Painting - Interior & Exterior, Handyman Services &
Emergency Repairs, Homeowners Contractor's Agent (HCA)