Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Re: FCC - update - AND... A Self Fulfilling Prophecy???




Below is an email that Al Hitlersby sent out to some owners who are on his email list. I am forwarding it to everyone on my FCC email list as well. I had started preparing this edition at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday morning but the power went out all day so I'm sending it on Tuesday night.


First, the good news!!! There was no flooding of the driveways this time, which subsequently means no flooding of any units by raising water. There was no standing water in the driveways or parking area... even all the way in the back where the driveway dips really low along the back fence.

Some not-so-good news... The 6' fence along the west edge of the middle parking lot was mostly knocked down.

Some more good news... The power came back on at 7:45 p.m. Monday night so things are pretty much back to normal (I had typed that a little too soon as the power went out all day on Tuesday but came back on at 6:45 p. m. Tuesday night... hopefully we won't get surprised by Entergy on Wednesday morning!) around FCC.

Now, the bad news!!! All is good around FCC EXCEPT for the front courtyard east building roof damage which is pretty bad where the east side of the roof was peeled up and over the A/C units so the back rooms of each unit are mostly not covered by a roof right now although the plywood does not seem to have been blown off, just the rubber roof membrane.

Most peoples stuff could be mostly protected by putting tarps or FEMA Blue Roof over the affected areas. Yes, I have long enough ladders and even some tarps but as you all know, with or without your permission, your FCC Board and Al Hitlersby have previously sued and continue to threaten and harass me, my friends and neighbors here at FCC, when ever I try to help people
around FCC, so tell me... if I was to offer to tarp some of the damaged roof, are you all going to SUE ME? It's pretty STUPID of YOUR BOARD and MANAGER if you ask me but the 94 FCC owners seem to allow the board and manager to do as they please... or maybe most of the owners are too afraid or intimidated to stand up for their rights so the Board and Manager just
run rough-shod over them. The same repair offer goes for the few broken out windows around here. I could board them up to keep any more damage from happening with all of the rain that is expected in the coming days but will you all SUE ME if I try to help you? Once again, it's pretty stupid and pathetic if you ask me!!!! Even your own President, Ryan Mussolin-Lee, will
be a potential victim of this broken window rain water problem since the unit above his has a blown out window. Of course, I'm not offering to fix that one. LOL But seriously, why would I??? I would be more than willing to help any of the FCC owners except for some of the Board Members (my few friends on the Board know who you are!) and certainly NOT Al Hitlersby.

The roof over the rear courtyard east building continues to suffer from minor rain leakage as it has since Hurricane Katrina but the former nazi-manager, Chet Hingle, FAILED to submit an insurance claim for a new roof on that building back then and the owners at FCC continue to have to pay for repeated repairs to the roof and unit damage because of Chet Hingle's failings... now you have to continue to pay for Al Hitlersby's failings.

Feel free to email me by replying to this email and I will be happy to give you more specific information concerning your unit or any other information I can find out for you.


As usual, I rode it out and this time I was even more prepared than for Katrina. I have a large generator and a window A/C unit and I also ran long extension cords to two other units in the back courtyard so they also had limited power when I was running the generator twice a day for 5-6 hour periods. Fortunately, the power came back on so it wasn't that much of a necessity this time but it sure was nice to have that window A/C unit cooling down the living room while the power was out.

Considering the number of broken and blown out windows after Hurricane Katrina, I was pretty shocked to see that 90% of the people at FCC evacuated without boarding up their windows or even taping their windows. While a downstairs unit might only have their own property to worry about if their windows get blown out, upstairs units that did not board up or tape up have not only their own stuff but then the wind-driven rain that gets into their unit also leaks into the ceiling affecting the downstairs units. There really should be a more concerted effort made to board up all exterior wall windows and then at least tape up the windows facing the courtyard...
especially for the upstairs units. If the people downstairs do not care what happens to their stuff, then that's on them, but the upstairs units should not make that kind of decision that also affects the downstairs units.



If you remember from my last "The Fountain Of Information", I referred to Al Oglesby as Al Hitlersby since he is trying to control the FCC owners like he was a fascist dictator, expecting the owners to walk lock-step behind him... or would that be goose-stepping? Shortly after sending out that newsletter, I received notice from a law firm that Al Hitlersby and the Board were
threatening to sue me for publishing this newsletter. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!!!

What is the first thing a fascist or communist dictator does when they overthrow a country? They take control of all of the media sources so ONLY THEY can put out what they want to say. They do not want independent voices speaking out against their dictatorships. This is EXACTLY what Al Hitlersby and YOUR BOARD are trying to do to me. Unfortunately for them, I'm not the
least bit afraid of their threats.

As much as I disagree with the ACLU and their leftist politics, at least I know the ACLU will be happy to represent my little newsletter in court as freedom of speech and freedom of the press are two things they do fight for... even when they don't agree with the speech or press. I've notified the local ACLU chapter of the illegal and unlawful threats by Al Hitlersby and YOUR BOARD!!!

Here is an exact quote of the certified letter that was sent to the owner of the unit where I live, on July 24, 2008...


... Additionally, Mr. Vasbinder has issued defamatory statements regarding Mr. Oglesby and The ALCOR Group which subjects him to liability for damages, attorney's fees, injunctive relief and the issuance of a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order, if necessary.

As the owner of the unit which Mr. Vasbinder occupies, and operates his commercial business, you are responsible and liable for these violations constituting grounds for a claim and suit for damages, attorney's fees, and injunction.

We hereby make formal legal demand upon you to take whatever action necessary to ensure that violations do not occur in the future on the part of Mr. Vasbinder as a resident of your unit.

To the extent that he is utilizing any computer or other electronic equipment within your unit to issue defamatory statements, we hereby make formal legal demand for you to cease and desist and take whatever steps necessary to prevent such activity from taking place in the future....


Now, bare in mind that this hired-gun law firm, that is likely being paid for my FCC money, did not send a letter to me or "The Fountain Of Information" newsletter but instead attempted to threaten, harass and intimidate one of YOUR fellow owners at FCC... why??? Because this owner
believes in freedom of speech and freedom of the press? I can't wait for this Court battle!!! Especially with the ACLU on my side!!! LOL My legal team will be free and you poor owners will be paying thousands of dollars or possibly tens of thousands of dollars for the actions of your fascist dictator-like manager and board president.

They claimed that I issued "defamatory statements" against Al Hitlersby and Ryan Mussolin-Lee but we all know that the truth is an absolute defense to allegations of defamation... well, at least the law firm should know this. Since Al Hitlersby and Ryan Mussolin-Lee are acting like fascist dictators and have proven beyond a reasonable doubt and a preponderance of the
evidence by attempting to quash any freedom of speech or freedom of the press attempts by residents at FCC, then they are proving my point in calling them fascist dictators in the first place.

Your Honor... I rest my case!!! ;-)

In closing for this edition, the power is back on, it's raining like crazy into Ryan Mussolin-Lee's unit but I can't board up the window that is leaking because he has threatened to sue me if I try to help people around FCC.

God works in mysterious ways... doesn't He!!!

Lenny Vasbinder
Editor, "The Fountain Of Information"

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Oglesby [mailto:info@fountaincourtcondos.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 7:26 AM
Subject: FCC - update

Good evening FCC Owners:

Spoke with Fred Rapp this evening about 6:45 p.m.; Fred stayed at FCC during the storm with a few other Owners.

Fred stated that we did not get any flooding at FCC. He also stated that power has been out since about 8:30 this morning and it has not come back on had not come back on. He also reported that, due to very strong east winds, it appears that we main have received some roof damage to two (2) of the front buildings; the one closest to Office Depot along the entrance driveway and the front east building on the entrance drive side of the mailbox area. Based on what he could see from the ground, it appears that at least a portion of these roofs have "peeled" back; he could not determine whether or not water entered any of these units. Other than that, it appears that FCC fared well during the storm.

We are in Jena Louisiana plan on returning as soon as the city re-opens. As we currently understand, that will more than likely be Wednesday. Upon returning, we will get our office open again and then go to FCC survey any damage. Based on what we know, there will more than likely be an insurance claim. In an effort to get a "jump" on getting the claim open and an
adjuster headed our way, we are going to notify our insurance agent so that we will in-turn get the process started.

This is all we have at the moment. We will advise of any additional information as it becomes available.

Al Oglesby
Property Manager
Fountain Court Condominiums

Monday, July 14, 2008


Hello fellow FCC residents,

I haven't written about the adventures at Fountain Court Condominiums in Metairie, Louisiana in over a year because I've been so busy but it has come to my attention that the so-called manager and some of the board members are up to their old "screw the owners" antics again.... so it's time to fire up "The Fountain Of Information" once again!!!

Below is a series of emails ending with the arrogant, ignorant AsshoLe's reply to this owners complaints (is it a coincidence that AL is part AsshoLe?... or maybe he's fully an ASSHOLE!)

If you are another property owner reading this, Al Oglesby, The Alcor Group (http://www.alcorgroup.com), Metairie, Louisiana, should be avoided at all costs from managing your property.

Please see his own words below!

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
Cell-504-621-1870 eFax-413-318-0742

Brought to you by:
P.O.Box 74031, Metairie, LA 70033-4031
Handyman Services, Lawn & Garden Care, Residential Contractor, General
Cleaning & Trash Hauling, Etc.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 6:55 AM, Al Oglesby, CCIM, CPM, CEA <
<mailto:Al@alcorgroup.com> Al@alcorgroup.com> wrote:

Please see the attached letter regarding articles of clothing being left outside your unit and no pets being allowed inside the gated pool area. Thanks in advance for your cooperation with these issues.

Al Oglesby
Al Oglesby, CCIM, CPM®, CEA
Property Manager
Fountain Court Condominium Assoc.

e-mail: <mailto:Al@alcorgroup.com>
Office: 504.887.2800
Toll Free: 800.727.1468
Cell: 504.416.3555
Fax: 504.889.1300

The ALCOR Group, L.L.C.
4430 S. I-10 Service Rd., W.
Metairie, LA 70001-1211

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Suzanne H wrote:


Once again, if you insist on being a nit-picky manager and trying to enforce every little technical rule, how about you and the board start following the rules and bylaws also.

The bylaws requires (uses the word "shall", which if you are really a professional manager, you would know that it means you MUST do this) that you send out a certified financial audit of FCCA to each and every owner within 30 days of the end of each fiscal year (that means
January 31st in case you don't understand what a fiscal year is). You have been the so-called manager for two end of year periods and thus far, you have FAILED to do your job concerning this matter.

Further, since you don't seem to have a problem emailing me copies of every little nit-pick letter you choose to write, how about emailing me a copy of the monthly financial reports each month. The bylaws require that the books be kept on the FCC property and since the board has
decided to also violate this provision and moved the books to your office, I should not have to be incovenienced in going to your office when you can either mail me the report or email me the report.

The so-called rules also prohibit BBQ pits inside the pool area but then also say something about them being able to have BBQ pits on the brick patio area... so... is the brick patio area that happens to be on my end of the courtyard considered to be in the pool area or is it the brick
patio area? If it's considered to be in the pool area, please move one or more of the tables and chairs outside of the pool area so that me and my neighbors have a place to sit on my end of the courtyard since there is always a large group of men sitting at the single table on the other
end...or maybe while they are working on the front courtyard fence, they can move the rear courtyard back railing and gate so that it does not enclose the brick patio area.

Further, I noticed that you are not enforcing the parking rules against all of the other so-called illegally parked vehicles on the property. Is this your tacit affirmation that you are only harassing me and Lenny.

Further, I noticed that Ryan Lee, the so-called president of FCCA, does not have a screen door on his unit while you are sending out letters to all of the other people without screen doors.

Once again, you all should follow the rules and lead by example. I would much rather have a part-time on-site manager who can actually do their job rather than you who sits in your office and listens to the so-called president who doesn't even know all of the rules and bylaws.

Thank you for your prompt attention to these matters.


Suzanne H
Unit Owner and YOUR BOSS... YOU WORK FOR ME!!!!

On Jul 14, 2008, at 2:49 PM, "Suzanne H" wrote:

Al and the Board,

One other thing... in your recent newsletter, you said that we should be seeing an improvement in the new lawn/landscaping company's work around FCC but the bushes around the rear courtyard and outside my windows are severely overgrown.

Maybe if we had an on-site manager who could check up on the job that these overpaid contractors are doing, things would really be nicer... instead we have Al Oglesby, who sits in his office collecting tens of thousands of dollars of our money while claiming to be doing a good job. I
hope he doesn't sprain his shoulder patting himself on the back.

Your PROMPT attention to these matters will be appreciated.


Suzanne H,
Unit Owner and YOUR BOSS... SINCE YOU WORK FOR ME!!!!!

From: Al Oglesby [mailto:al@alcorgroup.com]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 7:45 PM
To: Suzanne H
Cc: vtunstall
Subject: Re: FCC - reminders

Humorious e-mail, thanks for the laugh, it has been a long day!

Al Oglesby, CCIM, CPM, CEA

Office: 504.887.2800
Cell: 504.416.3555
Toll Free: 800.727.1468
Fax: 504.889.1300

The ALCOR Group, LLC
4430 S. I-10 Service Rd., W
Metairie, La. 70001


So there you have it... the ignorant, arrogant AsshoLe, Al Oglesby's response to one of the owners was shirking her complaints off as a joke.

What a pathetic piece of SHIT he is!!!!

One last thing... it was only last week that I pointed out all of the typos on a recent sign that he put up in the rear laundry room.. copy attached... and now while spell-checking this email, I noticed that he spelled "Humorous" wrong also. It's pretty pathetic that the FCCA owners are paying tens of thousands of dollars for this idiot to run your multi-million dollar complex and he can't spell and he doesn't even know how to use spell-check!

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
Cell-504-621-1870 eFax-413-318-0742

Brought to you by:
P.O.Box 74031, Metairie, LA 70033-4031
Handyman Services, Lawn & Garden Care, Residential Contractor, General
Cleaning & Trash Hauling, Etc.