Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pier 8 Condos - RE: The Paint Committee Speaks Out, at Least One Member Does


You may want to direct all of your co-owners to "The Top 10 Things Your HOA Won't Tell You", first published in 1994 by a reporter for the Wall Street Journal in Smart Money BUT even more applicable today.

You can find the entire article here:

Nearly all 10 things are applicable to Pier 8, Fountain Court and probably any other HOA that Alcor is involved in.

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
Cell-504-621-1870 eFax-413-318-0742

Lenny Vasbinder
Cell-504-621-1870 Fax-413-318-0742
P.O.Box 74031, Metairie, LA 70033-4031
Handyman Services, Lawn & Garden Care, Residential Contractor, General Cleaning & Trash Hauling, Etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Bimes []
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 3:46 PM

Subject: The Paint Committee Speaks Out, at Least One Member Does


Re: Your e-mail below

You live at Pier 8, if you don't know it. I have dropped the price of my condo from $135,000 to $129,900 yesterday, and I am willing to pay $2,000 closing costs to the buyer. I cannot imagine living here at Pier 8 for another three years with this Board and management company. They have little or no respect for the gooddoddamm By-Laws, and the enforcement of rules and regulations in a fair and unprejudiced manner, and a protocol of addressing issues/problems in a civil mannter. If another hurricane hit this complex, I cannot imagine what a mess that would ensue.

Ron Bimes, Unit 121


Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 15:35:17 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Exterior renovation updates

Ron, I sent this to Al in plenty of time to get letters out to all homeoewners and receive their vote. HIs reply was very brief. He merely said that he would pass my letter to the Board, and the painting will go on as scheduled. There was no response from the Board, not even an
acknowledgement. I am not interested in a lawsuit. but my offer to volunteer my time to send letters if still good.



From: Ecoari
Sent: 6/8/2009 5:41:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Exterior renovation updates

Hello Al,

In regard to your memo of June,7,2009 regarding the color scheme for the renovation of Pier 8, I would like to make a suggestion to get a fair representation in the selection of a color scheme for our condo. There are aproximately 74 unit owners, and I know you have tried to reach everyone via email, and only received a minimal response.

Since all homeowners have paid a special assessment for the renovation, and care about their investment,it is only fair to get their thoughts, and if they desire, their input. I realize that you have tried to contact everyone via email, and many of the home owners have not responded,
although many have responded verbally.

I would be glad to volunteer my time and go to you office to mail everyone a letter designating the colors chosen by the paint committee for the building, the doors, and the railings. Enclose an addressed stamped envelope to your office with a simple request. Since the doors and railings
are in question. The enclosed letter will be simply in giving a color choice for the door, either brown or Beige and the color for the railings being Beige or Sage Green, (as selected by the paint committee.)

Hopefully this will make everyone HAPPY.

Elaine Coari ( "Easy E")

TFOI Received the following email from another owner at Pier 8 Condos after posting the above email thread:


As our property manager is proud to say ," I feel your pain". It’s like this we have been lied to and mislead to by our Board Members and Manager. Remember Board Member Mathieu is still blaming the color selection on the previous Board and its Member. I have yet found a previous Board Member acknowledging they were responsible for this color selection. If it is so bad why could the new Board recommend a color change? I love the fact that Board Member Mathieu keeps running her mouth saying there would be additional input from the Association. Another delaying and lying tactic by design. Our manager has stated only six people objected to the color selection when we know there were many more and many that were afraid to be involved. Who is telling the truth here.

Ron you preach for equality and I support your request. Please treat the current Board as the past Board was treated when I was Association President. We never mislead the Association as to our financial condition and what was going on. Our meetings were open and management transparent. Can you say that now. The one most verbal Ms. Mathieu who wanted absolute disclosure lives by a silent double standard. Have the same cowards vandalize Board Member’s car’s and harass employers. Maybe a little physical intimidate against Real Estate Agents, Board Members and Managers needs to be employed as it was against me. Have Mr. Bassett who reported everyone to the Secretary of State start again. Maybe the innocent poor Mr. Bassett can call INS for the non-speaking workers that are on our property. Call the Louisiana Real Estate Commission and report agents for trying to do their jobs. Please call the City Attorney Office as you did in my case. Just give everyone equal treatment. Lets make it so uncomfortable for the current Board Members they want to stay inside. This is equality for the Board Members at Pier 8.

To quote Board President Mahl, "elections have consequences". Many Associations members signed petitions, wanted change and eventually got their representatives in place. Now this is what we have. Let’s wait for the next Association Meeting when we have to vote for an additional assessment because this Board over spent on this project. Since our property looks like low income housing I recommend we rename Pier 8 to’ "The New Section 8"!

QUIT whining you support the change!

Miller Guice Unit 319
Former President Pier 8 Condominium Association

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