Friday, October 06, 2006

"The Fountain Of Information" - Special Edition - More information about the front doors

"THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" - Friday, October 06,2006 - Special Edition
Website for links to document downloads, photo albums, past editions and to make comments: 
FREE-ADS - (As you may have previously read, "T.F.O.I." will publish your FREE-AD as long as you would like it published.) 
"Suzie Homemaker's" provides reliable cleaning service for residential homes and commercial offices and has 25 years of experience.  She already provides cleaning services for several of the other owners here at FCC and her rates are very affordable for weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or one-time cleaning arrangements.  These services are available in the Metairie and Kenner area and you can reach Suzie at 504-343-6848.
If you would like to advertise your business, condo for sale or rent, or any other applicable "Want-Ad", please send me a quick email or call me at my number near the bottom and I will publish your ad in the next edition, which is scheduled for November 01, 2006 but there may be Special Editions published prior to that date.
Yesterday, I met with one of the Board Members concerning some other issues around FCC and in talking, I was told to let the owners know that IF they want the painters to paint their front doors, just let one of the Board Members, either Don Gauthreaux, Unit #39, James Williams, #79 or Manuel Cordovan, Unit #45, know and they will instruct the painters to paint your door.  After all, you own the building, you own your door, you bought the paint and you are paying the painters... so why not get your door painted since you are already paying for it.
In speaking further with this Board Member, he said that the reason they did not automatically paint all of the doors was because most people would not be home when they were painting so they would not be able to paint the door from edge to edge.  I personally don't buy into this reason and I believe it had more to do with Chet's decision that the doors belong to the owners so that is why they did not automatically paint the doors.  BUT we all know that Chet just doesn't get it!!!!!
While it is good that the Board is now ready to paint the doors of any owners who request it, this writer still thinks it would have been better to have painted ALL 94 doors while the painters were painting the trim around the doors.  They could have knocked on your door and asked you if you wanted it painted edge to edge or not.  It would have been much easier and much more efficient to have painted the doors while painting the trim around the doors but I guess that option no longer exists.
I also learned that the current Board is seeking out interested owners to become involved with the Board as "Under-Board Members".  I strongly encourage as many owners as possible to get involved in this expansion of the Board.  You will not have voting rights but you will at least have input on what happens around YOUR association and property.
Louisiana Law requires non-profit associations to have up to NINE Board Members as a way of keeping a "conspiracy of silence" from happening but Condo Associations were exempted from this law and they were allowed to form with only three Board Members which is what causes so many of the problems.  It's too easy for two of the Board Members to get together and decide what gets passed and what does not get passed.  The out-voted member usually quietly goes along with the two-member majority.  I've spoken to past members of the Board and this was very common at FCCA.  When you have five or seven or even NINE Board Members, it's much harder to maintain this "conspiracy of silence" because more independent thinking people are involved in the process.
NOW is the time to move FCCA out of the "dark" ages and expand the board so that more owners are properly represented and there would be less chance of self-serving people controlling the lives of everyone around FCCA.
Hopefully, as more owners get involved, the new improved Board will not be like the past "Chet's Boards" or other self-serving Boards that have existed around here.  Hopefully, there will be some more independent thinkers involved in the operation of FCCA who are interested in what the owners have to say and maintain their independence when challenged by the clique!!!!
Good luck to all of the new Under-Board Members and I hope they represent ALL of the owners independently...  and that they do not just become part of Chet's clique!!!!!
Until next time... let "The Fountain Of Information" flow!!!!!
Lenny Vasbinder, Unit 94   504-621-1870
Editor and Publisher of "T.F.O.I."
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