Friday, April 17, 2009



As many of you already know, there has been a LOT of legal and illegal activities by the Board and manager, Al "Hitlersby" Oglesby, from The Alcor Group, in the past two years.

The term "legal" means that the Board and manager have been trying to take legal actions against certain owners and residents that they do not like... an immoral and unethical abuse of their power at best... or outright illegal, unlawful and tortuous harassment at worst... which could make all of the owners at Fountain Court liable for damages if these illegal activities are not covered by insurance. Usually, intentional acts are not covered by insurance so I don't think these will be either. I'm sorry to say that each owner will have to PAY a large assessment to cover YOUR Board and manager's illegal activities. At least you all can sue Alcor to try and
recover your losses when all is said and done. BTW... I know a good attorney who might be able to take your case... and it's NOT the one YOUR Board and manager are wasting your money on right now! His name is Clarence Favret III and all he is doing is racking up legal fees giving YOUR Board and manager BAD advice.

As many of you know, back in 2007, the old Board and newly hired manager, Al "Hitlersby" Oglesby, sued the editor of The Fountain Of Information and did NOT prevail in their lawsuit. The also sued the legal owner of the unit where I was living and after fighting the lawsuit for a couple of months, that owner decided to surrender and refused to renew my lease which
ultimately led to my moving to another unit.... so the Board and wannabe manager spent around $5,000.00 of YOUR money in legal fees and court costs and did not get anything for YOUR money.

For the past two years, I've been busy watching the illegal activities of the Board and manager, gathering my facts and information and I started putting pressure on them to do the right thing... but they didn't... instead, they decided to resurrect their two year old lawsuit that has been sitting stagnant and they are NOW, once again, wasting YOUR money on legal fees and court costs trying to sue me into submission. I guess they didn't learn in the past four years that when someone (i.e. - Chet the former manager, Sultan the former President and all of the other former Board Members) tries to push me, I push back even harder!!!! This is what is
happening now.

In the coming days, weeks and months, YOUR Board will end up spending tens of thousands of dollars of YOUR money in trying to shut me up. Note that I say "trying" because they simply will not prevail. In fact, as will be filed into public record soon when my legal team starts filing our pleadings in the lawsuit, it will prove that the Board has been acting illegally, not only it's selective enforcement of their so-called Rules and Regulations but also that the entire Board is illegal and so are all of the Rules and Regulations that they are trying to illegally enforce.

When all is said and done in this spider's web of legal matters, YOUR Board and manager will have wasted tens of thousands of dollars of YOUR money in legal fees and it will be proven to YOU that YOU ALL have wasted over $50,000.00 in management fees and $15,000.00 in legal fees for a manager and a lawyer that NEVER READ THE BYLAWS. That's right... if they had read the bylaws, they would know what I am talking about right now and that their actions are illegal and unenforceable.

Further, because the majority of the owners have sat back and played Ostrich... that is, sticking your heads in the sand while the Tiger is sneaking up on you to bite your ass off... the illegal activities of YOUR Board and manager will result in a Judgment of over $500,000.00 that will
then have to be assessed to each owner... mean each owner will have to pay an assessment of over $5,000.00 because YOUR Board and manager did SO MANY illegal activities in the past four years.

Hopefully, YOU ALL will have the fortitude to sue your Board and manager in order to force the insurance companies to pay this $500,000.00 Judgment so you all do not have to pay it out of each of your pockets.

Until next time... let "The Fountain Of Information" flow!

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
Cell-504-621-1870 eFax-413-318-0742

Lenny Vasbinder
Cell-504-621-1870 Fax-413-318-0742
P.O.Box 74031, Metairie, LA 70033-4031
Handyman Services, Lawn & Garden Care, Residential Contractor, General Cleaning & Trash Hauling, Etc.

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