Monday, March 06, 2006

Fw: "THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" Saturday, January 21, 2006 - Poker Night Announcement; New email address for the newsletter and other information

"THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" - Saturday, January 21, 2006


That's right... we will hold our first "Poker Night" of the year tomorrow night, Sunday, January 22, 2006. Mostly we play Texas Hold'em or other well known poker games but we are open to suggestions if everyone at the table knows how to play your suggested game, when it is your deal. Call me or send me an email if you plan to attend. We are limited to only 5 players at the table, so let me know ASAP, since we don't want to break the "4 guests" rule that was passed by Chet and the Board. :-) It will be held at the same "secret" location as the New Years Eve Poker Night! :-)


Please add the new email address for "The Fountain Of Information" to your address book. I will be phasing in this new email address for the newsletter in order to more easily separate "TFOI" emails from my regular business or personal emails. I will continue to send the newsletter from this email address during these post-Katrina times but as the newsletter makes the transformation to more of a community information newsletter, I will begin using the new email address as the sending address.

If you wish to send a reply or any information to me in confidence or to be shared with your neighbors, please reply to If you wish for your email or information to be published, please explicitly state that in your letter... otherwise all replies will be considered confidential and your personal information will not be revealed under any circumstances. You can also hand deliver any information to my unit #94. If I am not home, you can usually slide thin letters under my door.


If you ever want to send me or anyone else an email with complete anonymity, go to where you can sign up for a FREE anonymous email account. When you send the email, the recipient will not be able to tell where it came from (unless you identify yourself in the email) and it will be encrypted so only the recipient will be able to read it. It's a little more work than sending a regular email but it is extremely secure and confidential and there will be no header information that can be linked to you or your computer... unless you use the site for criminal acts. Then, I'm sure a Judge might issued a warrant to Hushmail for your login information and IP address. I am only recommending this site for those wishing to send anonymous emails with legitimate and legal information.... not to do criminal acts or make threats, slanderous or libelous statements to others.


Although Chet and the Board finally admitted that they were IN FACT, originally, planning to hide THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF YOUR insurance settlement money from you, they did at least finally realize it was WRONG for them to do this and have voted to give you all of your money that the insurance companies said you should get... well, at least that is what Chet said in his "End Of Year" report.

BUT.... when will they finally hold a special homeowners meeting?????

Are they planning on waiting SIX or more months to hold the illegally postponed Annual Meeting that they illegally canceled back in December? Or will they AT LEAST schedule the Special Homeowners Meeting that was asked for in the Petition circulated in December 2005? Louisiana law says "...ten per cent of the members, by petition setting forth the specific business to be brought before the association, may demand a special meeting at any time..." according to Section 451 at and there were far more than 9.4 signatures on the petition, yet they have refused to schedule the meeting as required by Louisiana law!!!!

Do they plan on waiting until they finally schedule the Annual Meeting to answer all of your questions? Do they really think they will get re-elected if they put off answering your questions for that long? If they don't want to answer your questions, why don't they just all resign from the Board and let a new interim Board take over?

Chet Hingle continues to be outright RUDE and OBNOXIOUS to people who are trying to get information. He continues to "punish" people who do not KISS HIS ASS!!!! I know that over a dozen people have complained about Chet Hingle to Sultan Mirza or one of the other Board Members, yet the Board continues to let him run around ranting, raving and cursing at people!!!! Why won't the Board do THEIR JOBS and REPRIMAND OR FIRE Chet Hingle for intentional acts towards owners?????

If he worked any where else and acted that way towards a customer or BOSS... that's right... HE WORKS FOR THE OWNERS AT FCC SO THE OWNERS ARE HIS BOSSES... he would have been FIRED for his first cursing outburst or lying letters to owners... yet he has gotten away with it OVER AND OVER AND OVER. When will the Board start doing THEIR JOBS?????

Sultan Mirza, in his end of year letter, claims that he is trying to do the right thing during these tough times. I wonder if his parents would have allowed him to curse them out, like he allows Chet to curse out some of the owners and tenants here at FCC? I wonder what would happen to Sultan Mirza if he cursed out his bosses at ABC-7, WJLA in Washington, D.C.? I have a feeling he would once again be a tenant here at FCC since he would have been immediately fired if he acted the way he allows Chet Hingle to act.

Sultan Mirza's term, as President of the Association, expired on 12/31/2005 but since they postponed the Annual Meeting, and thus the election, Sultan continues to reign supreme over all of you until they decide to finally hold the Annual Meeting where someone else can run against him for the President of the Association. The other two Board Members still have one and two years left on their terms... unless they resign or are recalled by Petition.... just like Aaron Broussard!!!!!

Don Gauthreaux, #39, and James Williams, #79, the other two Board Members who are living on the premises now, can possibly do something about Chet Hingle if they would decide to stand up to Chet. If you have a complaint about Chet Hingle or any of the actions of the Board, you can email Sultan Mirza or go directly to Don Gauthreaux and James Williams units and complain directly to them. All it would take is two of them to vote together to overrule the third member... unless all three of them are in cahoots with Chet?

How do all three of the Board Members sleep at night, knowing they allow Chet Hingle to act this way towards their neighbors and co-owners at FCC????

Until next time... let "THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" flow!!!!!


Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
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