Monday, March 06, 2006

Fw: "THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - It's Deja Vu All Over Again! - Sultan's Website Predictions From 1999

"THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - Happy Valentines Day

As the great Yogi Berra once said, "It's Deja Vu All Over Again!"...

That was the first thing I thought when a source told me to visit the Alpha Psi Omega webpage from McNeese State University ( ) and read what appeared to be website predictions that are coming true!!!!!

It was 1998-1999, the same year that Alpha Psi Omega, won 1st prize for their Homecoming Float. Get it? "Homecoming Float"... like what happened to the personal property inside of FCC homes during Hurricane Katrina.

BUT... unfortunately for FCC, it was also the same year that Alpha Psi Omega had the following plays, "Thieves Carnival" and "Can't Pay, Won't Pay". Are you starting to see the "Deja Vu All Over Again?"

I swear folks... I'm not making this up. It's right on the above page. Those were the only two plays noted on the web page. How ironic!!!!! And it gets even better... or would that be WORSE????

Further down the page, the 1997 Alpha Psi Omega Gala Margery Award Winners are shown and who else but Sultan Mirza is pictured for winning the "GOLDEN SCREW AWARD for his ability to do things in REVERSE". And right below that picture, Sultan is pictured giving away the Snow White Award to that years "Sour Note" winner. I guess I'll be getting the Snow White Award this year... for all of my "Sour Notes"! :-D

Now it's REALLY getting "Deja Vu All Over Again!!!!"

I'm not sure how my "source" found the above web page but just to make sure it really was "our" Sultan Mirza, I did a Google Search of the McNeese web site and also found this page ( ) which, all the way at the bottom, mentions "our" Sultan Mirza working for WWL-TV in New Orleans in 2003-2004... before he moved on to bigger and better grounds up in the "Land Of The Politicians"... The Beltway of Washington, D.C.... the land of "Lions and Tigers and Bears".... Ooops.. make that "Liars and Thieves and Whores!" I hope Washington, D.C., isn't rubbing off on "our" Sultan. ( )

And speaking of politicians, that reminds me of another great saying...

How can you tell when Chet Hingle is lying?


Ooops.. that was supposed to be "How can you tell when one of Chet's Board Members are lying?"... Ooops again... it was supposed to be "How can you tell when a Politician is lying?"... but the answer is always the same when it comes to things related to Hurricane Katrina.

Remember... I'm just illustrating absurdity by being absurd!!!!!


Eventually, "Chet's Board" is going to start following the Bylaws and hold the Annual Meeting which they illegally canceled in December. A couple of issues ago, I attached several documents to assist owners with learning how to become GOOD Board Members... compared to what we now have. I hope several people run for the President's position which will be opening up... if and when "Chet's Board" finally quits breaking the law and holds the Annual Meeting and Elections. Also, since Louisiana Law requires non-profit associations to have at least FIVE Board Members, there should be at least THREE NEW Board Members elected at the next meeting. That would give the THREE NEW MEMBERS a majority vote over the remaining members of "Chet's Board" and the owners of FCC can start to take back THEIR Homeowners Association from illegal actions and doings of "Chet's Board".

Until next time... let "The Fountain Of Information" flow!!!!!

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
"The Fountain Of Information"
Brought to you by:
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Gutting & Tear-Outs,
Sheetrock & Flooring Removal, Handyman Repairs,
Homeowner's Contractors Agent (HCA), etc.
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***Mardi Gras... the greatest FREE show on earth starts February 17, 2006 through Fat Tuesday, February 28, 2006. Come on down and help New Orleans recover from Katrina! This will be the best Mardi Gras ever!!!!!

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