Monday, March 06, 2006

Fw: "The Fountain Of Information" - Wednesday, March 01, 2006 - Where is the 2005 Annual Profit & Loss Statement????? AND LOTS MORE!!!!

"THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" - Wednesday, March 01, 2006

ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO AS ATTACHMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD AT - The OFFICIAL Blog for "TFOI". ALL past issues have been posted. Also look for the TWO links at the top "Header Description" where you can now download FCC Bylaws, Rules, Regs, Pictures and most attachments that have been sent out with past "TFOI's".


Attached, you will find the 2004 Annual Profit & Loss Statement which was issued on February 7, 2005.

Where is the 2005 Annual Profit & Loss Statement????? The Bylaws REQUIRE that this Annual P & L Statement be provided to each and every owner within 30 days after the end of the year. It is now going into the third month and still NO P & L Statement. The Bylaws REQUIRE that the Association Books be audited by an Independent Accounting Firm at least once a year. The 2004 Annual P & L Statement shows $800.00 paid for "Professional - Accounting Fees" and another $1,446.00 in "Professional - Legal Fees". Since "Chet's Board" has REFUSED to issue the 2005 Annual P & L Statement, nobody knows what it will show. What is "Chet's Board" hiding since they REFUSE to show the books to the many owners who have asked to see them? What is "Chet's Board" hiding since they REFUSE to put the true amount of money that FCCA has in the bank? "Chet's Board" End Of Year Report showed some of the insurance money that had been received by "Chet's Board" but never fully disclosed all of it. The January 2006 "Monthly Management Report", attached, did not even show any reference to the amount of Insurance Money in any of the bank accounts... although we all know there has been well OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS received by FCCA... and probably closer to TWO MILLIONS DOLLARS. What a bunch of HYPOCRITES... that they demand that each of you follow the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations... while "Chet's Board" thumb their collective noses at the same Bylaws, Rules and Regulations.


We are now in March of 2006, SIX MONTHS after Hurricane Katrina and there is still no 30 day notice of a pending Annual Homeowners Meeting, also REQUIRED by the Bylaws, which was supposed to be held in December 2005 but was ILLEGALLY postponed by "Chet's Board". The soonest that "Chet's Board" can legally schedule the Annual Meeting is now sometime in April 2006 since they have to give the 30 day notice of the meeting. "Chet's Board" issued a statement that they would not schedule the Annual Meeting until "all of the owners are back"... but this is an utterly ridiculous statement since NEVER IN FCCA HISTORY have "all of the owners" ever attended an Annual Meeting. There should have been weekly open meetings starting back in the weeks following Hurricane Katrina so that by now, ALL OF THE OWNERS probably would have attended at least one of those meetings. These weekly meetings would have alleviated all of the confusion caused by the conspiracy of silence perpetrated by "Chet's Board".

Sure, the early meetings would have been chaotic with tempers flaring but people needed to vent and these early meetings would have been the proper forum for not only venting... but also some important exchange of information. Not having these early meetings and then ILLEGALLY postponing the scheduled Annual Meeting, INDEFINITELY, is not going to change the venting and chaos that will ultimately occur at that meeting. If "Chet's Board" had been having weekly open meetings, by now, the weekly meetings could have been scaled down to every other week or even monthly meetings and the chaos would have ended a long time ago. Instead... thanks to "Chet's Board", chaos still reigns for many owners at FCC... where most people still do not know how much money they are legally entitled to receive. "Chet's Board" is still LYING to people and telling people low-ball figures and not telling people about the extra 20% contractor overhead and profit that is added to the end of the sub-total of flood estimates. In fact, as a test, two owners recently asked James Williams, the FCCA Secretary-Treasurer, and HE LIED TO PEOPLE.. .not telling them about the 20% overhead and profit. Then when they questioned him about this 20%, he said he needed to ask Chet. Once again, instead of the Board managing Chet, it's "Chet's Board" and Chet is the KING OF HIS BOARD... for now!!!!!


Please see "The Regenesis Report", attached, from July 2003 and March 2006.. used with permission by The July 2003 edition talks about what needs to be done by a NEW BOARD when it takes over from a Board like "Chet's Board". The March 2006 edition talks about "Leadership" and how "a manager does things the right way and a leader does the right thing." "A leader is someone who not only recognizes the 'right thing' but who can also motivate others to get the right thing done." Unfortunately, Chet Hingle has not done the right thing and has not done it the right way either. And "Chet's Board" has also failed to do the right thing or do it the right way. Read both of these very informative newsletters and you can also subscribe to future newsletters at the home page of


Once again, Chet and "Chet's Board" have been telling people that FEMA will not pay anything towards the debris removal expenses that were around $75,000.00 at last report from "Chet's Board". According to this article, it clearly states that FEMA will pay for trash removal... even from a private condominium property. Maybe Chet and "Chet's Board" were so busy trying to HIDE YOUR MONEY FROM YOU that they FAILED to apply for money that they could have legally kept from each of the owners. I bet it's not too late for them to apply for this FEMA assistance... but who knows since they aren't talking!!!!!

CAI Lauds FEMA Debris-Removal Decision

ALEXANDRIA, VA, OCTOBER 6, 2005 – Under the gun in the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is being applauded for making community associations in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi eligible for debris-removal assistance.

Community Associations Institute (CAI), a national education and advocacy organization representing association-governed communities, applauded the agency today for "understanding the importance of debris-removal assistance for countless community associations along the Gulf Coast."

CAI has long advocated that community associations should receive clean-up assistance from FEMA following natural disasters. Debris removal in community associations is typically not covered when FEMA provides monetary assistance following a natural disaster. Community associations damaged by hurricanes and other natural disasters have found that the costs of debris removal can be extremely high. Without adequate insurance coverage, homeowners in those communities can be stuck with enormous and unanticipated costs.

"We're very pleased with this decision," said CAI Senior Vice President Molly Foley-Healy. "This is going to help hundreds of community associations in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. It's certainly a step in the right direction for an agency with a mission to help Americans contend with disasters."

CAI supports the Respond Act (H.R. 1137), a bill now in the House of Representatives that would greatly expand FEMA's reimbursement for debris removal from associations and other private property. "This is an issue of equity," said Foley-Healy. "Residents in homeowner and condominium associations pay federal taxes as well as all applicable property, state and sales taxes. Simple fairness dictates that community associations receive assistance, since government agencies do pay for debris removal in other neighborhoods. Natural disasters don't discriminate between community associations and neighborhoods without associations."

An estimated 54 million Americans make their homes in some 274,000 homeowner and condominium associations and cooperatives.

CAI is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering vibrant, responsive, competent homeowner and condominium associations and cooperatives. Along with its 55 regional, state and local chapters, CAI represents professional community managers, community association volunteer leaders (homeowners) and businesses and professionals who serve these communities. Member services include conferences and seminars, education courses, periodicals, books, professional service directories, advocacy and professional designations.

For members and general inquiries, contact the CAI Direct customer service team:
Phone: 703-548-8600
Fax: 703-684-1581

MEDIA CONTACT: Frank Rathbun
Phone: 703-548-8600, ext. 261
Fax: 703-684-1581


Well... there is plenty more happening all over America concerning HOA's (Home Owners Associations) and how home owners are fighting back for their God given rights. The Courts and Legislatures are listening to what is happening to innocent home owners and are doing things to make it better for people stuck with an "Out-Of-Control" Board... LIKE "CHET'S BOARD"!!!!!

Until next time... let "The Fountain Of Information" flow!!!!!

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
Brought to you in part by:
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***THANKS to everybody who came to New Orleans for Mardi Gras!!!! And THANKS to everybody who did anything to help the New Orleans Metro area and any other Hurricane Katrina victims.

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