Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fw: "THE FOUNTAIN OF INFORMATION" - Late Night Edition - Monday, Dec. 19, 2005 - MAYBE THE TIDE IS TURNING????

Dec. 19, 2005


Maybe, just maybe, the Board is finally starting to hear the
questions, concerns and complaints of the hurricane victim
owners at FCC.

My understanding is that at least one of the owners in the
roof damaged rear building of the rear courtyard got a check
for half of their damages and ACTUALLY GOT A COPY OF THE
ITEMIZED INSURANCE ESTIMATE, concerning the roof damage
things in their unit, as well!

I haven't seen the original documents to know if the copy
they received was altered or if it was from an earlier,
lower estimate, SINCE IT WAS DATED 11/03/2005, but at least
they got an itemized estimate showing what the insurance
company says they were going to be paid. They said that the
estimate was from GAB Robins North America, Inc., 4111 S.
Sherwood Forest Blvd., Suite 2-A, Baton Rouge, LA 70816, so
if the estimate is not the correct copy, a properly placed
subpoena will produce the correct estimate. The Adjuster
seems to be Frank Edwards, Regional GA. The Policy Number
is 00991260 (probably a Scottsdale Insurance Company number)
and there is no claim number on this estimate but hopefully
it's just because it was the three pages dealing with the
particular unit. The total damages, according to the
estimate, for just "four feet up", is over $15,000.00 for a
3BR unit. I'm sure I will be getting some copies of the
various itemized estimates soon and I will publish what I
can when I receive them.

That money along with the over $35,000.00 that the Flood
Insurance paid for four feet down (for a 3BR unit) should be
enough to properly renovate and possibly even make things
better than they were before Katrina. These poor families
sure need a little good news for a change!!!!!

An interesting thing that I found on the Internet at FEMA's
website is the attached FEMA Brochure which says that if a
dwelling is insured for at least 80% of the replacement
value, then FEMA/NFIP will pay the RCV (Replacement Cost
Value) rather than the ACV (Actual Cash Value) for repairs.
This could amount to thousands more to each flood victim
since it would do away with the Depreciation difference. I
understand that the RCV was paid on the Scottsdale Insurance
Company claims so hopefully the Board can get NFIP to pay
the RCV as well.

Now, if only Chet Hingle would get a contractor to finish
the roofing work and seal the bricks so water will quit
flowing into the rear building downstairs units, then these
owners could get to work on renovating their units. Please
note that these leaking brick walls are a long term problem
and several owners have complained to Chet Hingle about
these things way before Katrina but Chet Hingle just
dismissed their complaints and concerns.. well.. all but
Sultan Mirza's where they spent thousands of dollars, doing
a half-assed job, instead of doing it right!!!!! Needless
to say, it still leaks in Sultans unit too! So much for
"Professional" management!

Department phone number... 1-800-323-8603. I'm sure you can
call them and find out more information about the total
claim amount and whether you got all of the money you were
supposed to get!!!!!

12/13/05.. DATED 12/12/05....


Attached, are copies of the OVER $519,000.00 worth of
Fidelity National Insurance Company checks that were sent to
Dennis P. in response to his PERSONAL claim with the Flood
Insurance Program. You will see that two of the checks are
dated 10/24/05 (totaling $155,000.00) and were received by
Dennis P. in late October, at the same time that the rear
courtyard was receiving their advance money so he did not
know what these checks were for and he did not trust Chet
Hingle or the Board so he told his Attorney about the checks
and waited for the next step. Since nothing happened and
the rear courtyard owners were paid $163,500.00 out of the
$200,000.00 advance, he figured that the insurance company
must have screwed up big time and send him duplicate checks.

Not until early December, when he received three more
Fidelity National Insurance Company checks, dated 11/21/05
(MAILED during the Thanksgiving holidays), did he realize
that he might have the actual insurance checks for the rear
courtyard... so he called me and told me about it so I could
publish that fact so that all owners would be aware of the
money... not just Chet and the Board.

During this same time period, I was putting pieces of the
puzzle together and realized that the policy number on his
checks were for the front courtyard.. not the rear
courtyard.... so Chet Hingle never did check with the
Insurance Company back in October to find out where the
front courtyard advance payment was????? He just blew off
the front courtyard victims for two more months and it
wasn't until he was looking for these three other checks
that he called the insurance company and found out they had
been mailed to Dennis P.. He called Dennis early on a
Tuesday morning (12/6/05) to see if Dennis P. had the checks
and Dennis acknowledged that he did and also told Chet about
the previous two checks. Dennis told Chet that Chet could
pick up the checks at Dennis' attorney's office. This was
all reported prior to Chet's "LIE'S" letter of 12/13/05.

According to Chet's "LIE'S" letter, these checks have a
"Stop Payment" so they are only collectors items now, but at
least all of you front courtyard flood victims have a copy
for your records. Chet's "LIE'S" letter claims that Dennis
had all of these checks back in October... WHICH IS A LIE...
but the bigger question is why did it take Chet two months
to track down the checks... or is the real truth that Chet
didn't care about the front courtyard flood victims since he
has, on a number of times, said "They only got wet
carpeting.. I don't know how much they think they are going
to get!".

Well, Chet, they got over a HALF MILLION DOLLARS!!!!! And
they should have had their advance money back in October if
YOU (Chet) weren't such a schmuck to people to where they
quit trusting YOU!!!!!

Now all you front courtyard owners need is a copy of your
itemized estimates and your FULL PAYMENT.... and hopefully,
with the change of the tide in the rear courtyard, you will
get that too!!!!!


I still think that the Board needs to have a Special Meeting
just to "disclose, discuss and review" all of the financial
and insurance information so they can lift the aura of
mis-trust that surrounds the Board right now. The Board
also needs to admit to the owners what their secret plan was
for the hundreds of thousands of dollars they were hiding
from the owners. There are enough signatures on the
Petition to call a Special Homeowners Meeting but will the
Board schedule it???

The Board also needs to take proper disciplinary action
against Chet Hingle for his meanness, rudeness,
unprofessionalism and VULGARITY towards the various owners,
tenants and guests over the past 3 1/2 months.

Once these things are done, things will start to get back to
"normalcy" around here. I use that word because that is
what Sultan told me was his goal for FCC. I sure
hope he eventually stands up for what is right... instead of
letting Chet Hingle intimidate him so much!!!!!

Poor President Sultan must now know what President Bill
Clinton felt like when Hillary went on one of her many
dish-throwing tirades!!!! Unfortunately, like President
Clinton, Sultan still doesn't know what the definition of
"is" is! At least that's what it seems like, since he
hasn't followed the simple bylaws for the past 3 1/2 months!

Remember... "Illustrating absurdity by being absurd!".. (My
regards to Rush Limbaugh!)

Until next time... let "The Fountain of Information"

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Gutting & Tear-Outs,
Sheetrock & Flooring Removal, Handyman Repairs,
Homeowner's Contractors Agent (HCA), etc.
504-621-1870 eFax - 413-318-0742
NHSNOLA@Gmail.com LNVTM1@Gmail.com

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