Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fw: "The Fountain of Information" - October 26, 2005 - 11:44 p.m. - A word from YOUR President and MORE LATE BREAKING NEWS!!!!

Hi Sultan,

I will forward your reply to YOUR readers as "The Fountain
of Information" is here for ALL residents of FCC.

I also have some more LATE BREAKING NEWS!!!! I just learned
that the NFIP (flood insurance program) is planning on
sending a 50% advance of the estimated settlement figure so
that money can be disbursed to the affected unit owners in
the rear courtyard. If this information is correct, and I
believe it is, then there should be around $200,000.00
forwarded to FCC to be disbursed to the rear courtyard
downstairs unit owners so they can start rehabbing their
units. This should amount to $8,000.00 to $12,000.00 per
unit (depending on size) so most people can at least recoup
their out-of-pocket expenses and pay the down payments to
their contractors and start getting their lives back in
order. I understand that this money should be made
available to the Board around the end of this week or early
next week. I hope and pray for everyone that this
information is correct. Sultan... can you confirm or deny
this information?

Now, concerning your reply... are you denying the previous
information is true? If it's true, then it's certainly not
malicious. If it's not true, then you can quash all of the
questions being raised by the various homeowners by
providing information to the people that you have a
fiduciary duty to represent.

All I am doing is "asking questions" based on the "bits and
pieces" of information that is provided to me and the
questions that are being asked by everyone around FCC. If
you were here, you would see just how frustrated everyone is
by being so uninformed. If you would like to provide
additional insight or information to the readers of "The
Fountain of Information" AND to your constituents and fellow
condo owners, please feel free to do so and I will promptly
release the information and publish a retraction if any
information that I release is incorrect.

You are fortunate that you have thousands of dollars so that
you are able to hire your own contractor and start rehabbing
your unit but most people in America live paycheck to
paycheck and Hurricane Katrina has severely disrupted their
financial situation. You actually have your neighbors and
fellow condo owners living in their gutted units and even in
their still wrecked units because they have nowhere else to
go. Some people are living without heat and I even went and
boarded up a window and gave a space heater to one of your
fellow owners just the other day... so they would not freeze
to death during the cold nights that we are having right

If you are threatening me with legal action to try and quiet
me down, you should already know that only makes my resolve
even stronger.

I consider you a friend but as a friend I also expect you to
do the right thing. When you ran for and accepted the
position of President of the Condo Association, you knew
that it carries certain duties and I know you are out of
town and are doing an admirable job considering the distance
but you are falling down on the job when it comes to
disseminating information to your fellow owners...
information that you know or should know by now unless you
are being kept in the dark as well. I know you take your
position serious because you do at least take the time to
reply to my emails but your neighbors want more than
non-denial denials and vague answers at this time. They
have been patient for nearly two months and even went SEVEN
WEEKS before they got their first "bits and pieces" of
information on October 17, 2005.

Since Chet seemed so intent on "putting me out of business"
by singling me out and slandering me in the October 17, 2005
letter, that he had the Board sign and that he signed on
your behalf, I now have more time on my hands to go into the
reporting and publishing business. My demolition work
around FCC will be done in the next week or so and I will
move on to greener.. or should I say moldier pastures in the
coming weeks. As long as I reside at FCC (and I do intend
to one day buy my condo), I'll continue "The Fountain of
Information" as a friendlier newsletter in the future...
unless investigative reporting is needed again sometime in
the future whereas "The Fountain of Information" will become
an outspoken advocate for the homeowners once again!

Even one of your fellow Board members was shocked at the way
that Chet spoke to someone recently. Many of his previous
advocates are expressing dismay over his actions and his
failure and outright refusal to communicate with the
residents. One tenant even referred to him as Hitler-like
in his dictatorship style of management. As previously
pointed out in the Condo Owners Bill Of Rights, the manager
is supposed to be an advocate for the tenants/owners.. and
make sure the Board does not do anything wrong. The Board
is also supposed to be representing the tenants/owners to
make sure the Manager does not do anything wrong. This
provides some checks and balances and a division of power...
which right now seems to have disappeared and it appears
that the Board and Manager are "in bed together" and are
covering each other's asses instead of being transparent
with information that is SO CRITICAL TO PEOPLES LIVES RIGHT

Once again, I hope you find the strength to do the right
thing and shine the light of truth on what is happening
behind the closed doors of the Board meetings right now!
Only you can tell people what is really happening in those
secret meetings since everyone else seems afraid to do so.

The truth shall set you free!

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
"The Fountain of Information"
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Sheetrock & Flooring Removal, etc.
504-621-1870 eFax - 413-318-0742

----- Original Message -----
From: Sultan M
To: Lenny Vasbinder
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: New Publication... The Fountain of
Information - Volume I


Thank you for keeping everyone informed about the ongoing
situation. Your continued support as an advocate for FCC is
well noticed. Please keep in mind that if we find that the
"sources" or "allegations" you are making are inciting
unnecessary unrest or disturbing the process of rebuilding
FCC, it will have to stop. You letter below is very
specific and suggest very specific measures to be taken from
your point of view, it also in some form suggests certain
malice from Management and from the Board and that will NOT
be tolerated if it is unfounded. I will advise the Board
and Chet to retain counsel if necessary to refrain these
disturbances from being malicious and cause intent to
disturb the rebuilding process. Make sure to tell people
that these are your opinions, from your sources and that you
may not have all information to make such determinations.
Thank you,


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