Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fw: "The Fountain of Information" -Monday Morning Edition-November 14, 2005 with Attachment

Dear Readers,


I was away from FCC most of the weekend so I do not have any
major news but I am attaching a "Proxy" Form so that you can
name somebody to cast your vote at any Homeowner's Meeting
that may take place in your absence... while you are stuck
somewhere far away from FCC partly due to the delays by the
Board and NON-Manager in getting you any information or
money... and the fact that the NON-Manager refused some
homeowners request to put a FEMA trailer in the back parking
lot all the way back by the Canal so they could live here
while their units were being repaired.

The attached Proxy (CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS) http://download.filefront.com/4762804;e4d58957eb4e68b469630af234e0e15feedac7955b3f2bffb0a4934dc4b6783bff8be7223e40840d ) has been slightly modified by this writer
but there should be a new Proxy MAILED out with the "Notice"
for the next homeowner's meeting. According to the FCC
By-Laws, in Article II, Section 5, Notice of Meetings. "The
Secretary shall MAIL (emphasis added) to each Unit Owner, a
notice of each annual or regularly scheduled meeting of the
Unit Owners at least twenty-one (21) but not more than
thirty (30) days, prior to such meeting, stating the time,
place and purpose thereof. The mailing of a notice of
meeting... shall be considered service of notice." The word
"shall" does not give the Board or NON-Manager any wiggle
room. They have to MAIL the notice to you. They cannot
simply hang it on the door to your vacant unit if you are
not living here. Please send your current mailing address
to the Association or NON-Manager, IN WRITING, so they will
have your correct address.

You can email your current mailing address to the President
of the Board, Sultan Mirza, at Sultan.Mirza@gmail.com or you
can email Chet Hingle, the NON-Manager, at

OF THE CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS. Hmmmm.. maybe there might be
a way for some of you to sign a mortgage in favor of me for
ONE PENNY so I would be considered a Mortgagee then and I
could attend the Board Meeting on your behalf. :-D Let me
know, right away, if you want me to look into this legal


I understand that FEMA has contacted several homeowners
about putting trailers in the back parking lot area and I
would like to see the NON-Manager tell the Feds that they
HE is getting a trailer on his property over on
Transcontinental. I guess he doesn't believe in "What's
good for the Goose is good for the Gander!". I'll relish
the moment he is put in handcuffs and taken away for
interfering with a Federal Official.... but I doubt he'll
have the same rude and crude comments for FEMA Officials
like he does for so many of the owners and tenants when they
ask him for their legally entitled information.


Now, back to the insurance money. There should be more than
enough money to fix everyone back to better than pre-Katrina
condition, based on the comments that I personally heard
from the Flood Insurance claims people for the back
Courtyard. Actually, based on the original numbers from the
Flood Insurance claim for the back Courtyard, the Board was
able to encourage the front Courtyard Flood Insurance and
Storm Insurance to pay more than enough money to fix most
units in the front Courtyard. In fact, at first glance, it
appears there may be more money for the front Courtyard than
the back Courtyard even though the back Courtyard had around
a foot of water whereas the front Courtyard only had around
an inch. I realize the front Courtyard suffered more roof
damage since they lost the roofs on the north and west
buildings where the rear Courtyard only lost the roof on the
north building and just some firewall damage and leaking on
the west building. Of course, that does not include ALL of
the leaks that the other buildings have from the hurricane
that the NON-Manager did not even report to the roofing
company before paying them and letting them leave. I just
have to shake my head that the NON-Manager paid them and let
them leave without fixing ALL of the roofs at Fountain

Given these facts, I still have to ask you all why the Board
and NON-Manager are trying to withhold ANY of YOUR MONEY
from the insurance settlements. Why don't they just
distribute everything that is due to each of the victims and
if they want to raise a community chest later on, then they
can assess everybody... not just the hurricane victims. I
agree with the late condo fees and the trash removal fees
but those amounts should be disclosed to you so you will
know how much you have available to refurbish your condo.
The new secret amount that they want to withhold from some
of the front courtyard victims is a "depreciation" figure
that is to be paid to the Association. I swear... they are
acting like FAT-CAT Washington Politicians who think that
every dollar you and I get, they should get some of it too!

Why does the Board and NON-Manager think that they should
get any money from YOUR INSURANCE SETTLEMENTS?????? This
seems ludicrous to me and maybe if they would communicate to
you all what these secret figures are, then we would
possibly have a reasonable explanation.

Until next time, let "The Fountain of Information" flow...

And don't forget to open the attached "Proxy" and fill it
out and mail it back to me or to your representative on the
Board so they will not be able to do things without your
VOTE!!!! The Proxy must be filed with the Secretary of the
Board prior to the meeting and is only good for the ONE
meeting unless the Proxy is in favor of a Mortgagee, then it
is good for up to 180 days.

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
"The Fountain of Information"
Mailing Address:
6901 Veterans Blvd., Unit 94,
Metairie, LA 70003

Brought to you in part by:
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Sheetrock & Flooring Removal,
Homeowner's Contractors Agent (HCA), Handyman, etc.
504-621-1870 eFax - 413-318-0742
NHSNOLA@Gmail.com LNVTM1@Gmail.com


Neighborhood Home Services is now accepting more jobs for
the beginning of December, 2005. If you or any of your
neighbors, friends or family needs their homes gutted,
damaged furniture removed or any other hurricane clean-up,
please notify me ASAP so I can schedule them for an estimate
and clean-up date. I am still working on putting together a
team of repair personnel so that I can take on more repair
jobs but as most of you know, good help is hard to find
right now. I'll let you know when I can take on more repair

Thank You,

Lenny Vasbinder
Neighborhood Home Services

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