Thursday, February 16, 2006


Dear Readers,


It's raining at FCC right now and I just got done putting my
buckets and garbage cans out under the various leaks in my
unit. I feel sorry for some of the people downstairs who
have gone through the effort to start repairing their units
and their NEW sheetrock stands a good chance of getting
damaged because Chet Hingle never told the roofing company
to repair ALL of the roofs while they were here. Three out
of the five upstairs units in my building are vacant so if
the roof is leaking in those units, there is nobody home to
put out buckets so the recently repaired downstairs units
may suffer some new damage. Another claim with another
deductible instead of it being done right the first time!!!

I understand that the roofing bill was around $300,000.00
and the manager of Fleur De Lis Construction told me that he
was never told anything about fixing all of the roofs on all
of the other buildings... only on the three buildings that
had the catastrophic roof damage. Of course, after Chet
Hingle cursed them out in the rear courtyard and told them,
"F_CK YOU! I AIN'T PAYING YOU SH_T!", or something very
similar to that, along with lots of other cursing, the
roofers left and never looked back so now we may have to
wait months for a new roofing company to come along. I was
a witness to this courtyard tirade by Chet Hingle, and there
were other witnesses as well, including James Williams, the
Board Member, since it happened on the stairway in front of
his unit (#79). Another of Chet's cursing escapades that
have become all too common lately... to the harm and
detriment of the FCC Community and Property.

All of these problems happen because Chet Hingle FAILED TO
COMMUNICATE with the tenants, owners and the roofing
company. He and his STUPID "Secret Plan", that he and the
Board are still sticking to, have now caused far more harm
than good. The "Secret Plan" to not tell anybody anything
so you couldn't try to interfere with the "Secret Plan".

He did a great job of getting the roofing company here just
one month after hurricane Katrina but it has been downhill
ever since. Through his "winning personality and
communications skills", HE BLEW the entire project before it
was complete. Even the new roofs have holes in them where
the A/C pipes and wiring come through the roof. Also, the
new roofs have problems with the sewer vent pipes not going
up through the roof so the sewer gases will just be venting
into the upstairs units in several places. There are also
problems where they have electrical wiring running between
the roof joists and the plywood of the new roof so those
dangerous electrical conditions need to be repaired or they
could cause the buildings to burn down. I guess that's one
way to cover up shoddy roofing work!

I guess the roofing company employees were too busy dropping
down between the joists into the upstairs units to steal
stereos and electronics so they weren't too worried about
leaving dangerous electrical conditions, leaks and sewer
gases in our roofing repair project once they left. These
are the same thieving employees that Chet Hingle tried to
force each of you to use and then they would have had
complete and unsupervised access to your unit and property.


I have to wonder what his motivation is for some of the
things he is doing to everyone around here??? Is he really
serving the owners and tenants of FCC or is he merely being
self-serving??? While the Board Members have ALL of the
inside information so they can move forward on repairing
their units, the rest of you are still scratching your heads
wondering how much you will actually get to repair your
unit. That seems kind of self-serving by the Board Members
as well!!!!! It seems that the fiduciary duty outlined in
the bylaws and common human decency should dictate to the
Board and NON-Manager to start giving everyone ALL OF THE
INFORMATION... the same information that they have access
to... but for some reason, THEY JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!!

Oh well.. let me go check my buckets!

Until next time, let "The Fountain of Information" flow...
and these buckets of rain water! :-(


Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
"The Fountain of Information"
Brought to you in part by:
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Sheetrock & Flooring Removal,
Homeowner's Contractors Agent (HCA), Handyman, etc.
504-621-1870 eFax - 413-318-0742

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