Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fw: "The Fountain of Information" - November 02, 2005 - Readers Write!!!



Since some Board Members and the Manager has asked me to
stop "reporting" the "going-on's" around FCC, I decided to
review some of the emails that I have received over the past
two weeks. Here are the reprints of the replies. I have
deleted identifying information since these replies were or
may have been sent in confidence. I did not reprint
Sultan's replies since they have been previously printed.

One reader wrote:

Lenny, what you are doing is so wonderful. I can't think of
the right words to express just how grateful I am to have
someone like you looking out for our best interest. I feel
so much more empowered knowing my rights. Also the "inside"
information is mind blowing. Did they really think they
could steal our money and get away with it? It is not their
money to decide what to do with. I really hope they are
shaking right now because they need to be. If we all band
together then justice will prevail. There needs to be
accountability. Just know that as long as you continue the
fight, I will be there to back you 100%. Thanks again!

P.S. I need to return my lawyers call tomorrow.... I'll let
you know what (they) say and if (they) talked to Sultan or

Another reader wrote:

Lenny: You're right. We need a homeowners' meeting, but
since you seem to have contact with so many owners, PLEASE
caution them not to turn it into a screaming match. At
every homeowners' meeting I've been to, someone loses their
cool and yells at Chet, or a Board member. They are
basically out for themselves and not the good of the FCC
community.That's one reason why we can't keep good board
members and why so very few people will step up and run for
a position on the Board. Ask XXXXX, or YYYYYY what they've
been through. ..... We have all been through one of the
worst times in our lives and we need answers but it won't
work if everyone goes on the attack. I think that the Board
and Chet are trying to meet with the insurance company this
week. Whether or not this meeting takes place, we
definitely need another letter from Chet giving us an
up-date. I think we also need Sultan to return for any
meeting we have. I know we can do a lot via e-mail and
telephone, but I think we need at least one personal
appearance at a homeowners' meeting by the President of the
Board. I DO NOT want this to end in litigation. If we get
snarled into that the only people who will gain are the

Another reader wrote:

I don't know if I have the stamina to be a Board member
right now. I have so many concerns re what's happening, and
I echo many of yours. I'll be at the condo on Friday,
probably in the afternoon, and will stay in Metairie until
Sun. I'm curious to see what happens if this meeting takes
place with the insurer and what information we get if it
does take place. I can wait another couple of days, but not
much longer. I'll see you later in the week.

Another reader wrote:

Good morning, Lenny: Received your three emails...thanks
much. Will talk to you soon, keep me posted.

Another email received:

Thanks, Lenny, for your updates.

And yet another:


Keep up the good work. We appreciate your eyes and ears.

And another:

Thanks Lenny, we did talk to him when we were in last. Keep
up the terrific
work and (we) will see you soon!

And yet another:

I cannot get through to Chet and I figured you knew more at
this point than
he would know simply because you are there.

And yet another:

Hey Lenny give them hell,this is XXXXX from unit YY. Would
you happen to know how much the advance checks are for?

And another:


Thanks for the info, I am working in XXXXXX this week, will
try and get by there on Friday, let me know if you need

And these do not include the countless phone calls and
personal thanks that I have received.

So in answer to some recent criticism of "The Fountain of
Information", I only needed to read the replies to know that
most people value the information provided. It's not
personal between me and Chet... it's personal between so
many of the owners and someone who may be trying to divert
or reallocate THEIR flood insurance settlement to some other
use... without the owners permission and without FULL

I received a SHOCKING phone call tonight and will report on
the context of this phone call soon. Look for this late
breaking news as soon as I have a little more information.

Until next time... keep "The Fountain of Information"

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
"The Fountain of Information"
Brought to you in part by:
Neighborhood Home Services, LLC
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Sheetrock & Flooring Removal, etc.
504-621-1870 eFax - 413-318-0742
NHSNOLA@Gmail.com LNVTM1@Gmail.com

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