Tuesday, February 21, 2006




1) Call FEMA Fraud Unit and report what is going on around
FCC... call 1-800-323-8603... and tell them that over a
MILLION DOLLARS has been sent to FCCA to be distributed to
the flood victims and that Chet and the Board are not
telling you exactly how much you should be getting and will
not answer your questions about the money. Tell the FEMA
Fraud Unit that Chet and the Board have canceled the Annual
Meeting where they were supposed to answer questions and
that they have not issued a monthly management report in
four months showing you how much money has been coming in to
them. The more people that complain, the more likely that
the FEMA Fraud Unit will get involved so that you will not
have to spend any of your money on attorney's fees. Chet
and the Board are still potentially hiding over $200,000.00
of YOUR flood insurance settlement money!!!! It's up to YOU
if YOU let them get away with it!!!!! I can only give you

2) Call Chet Hingle at his home 455-4520 or cell 234-9980,
call Sultan Mirza at 703-236-9562 and then put it in writing
by sending an email to both Chet and Sultan Mirza (by
replying to ALL on this email)... and ask them when are you
going to get the rest of your "1/2" of your money?????
That's right.. Chet and the Board are now giving out 1/2 of
the itemized estimate amounts to the front courtyard flood
victims and the four feet up storm victims. Since a 2BR
flood victim unit in the rear courtyard is supposed to get
around $23,000.00, according to the itemized estimate that I
made available to you, you should have gotten $11,500.00,
instead of only $7,500.00 that they gave you back at the end
of October. They still owe you $4,000.00 more.. just to be
giving you 1/2 like they said they would. They are still
possibly hiding the 20% Contractors Overhead and Profit from
the front courtyard victims, since at least one owner told
me that figure was not on their itemized estimate. If the
front courtyard estimate is like the rear courtyard
estimate, then the 20% is added on at the end of the
estimate and amounts to nearly $100,000.00 for each
courtyard, so maybe some games are being played by Chet and
the Board, yet again!!!!

3) Ask Chet and the Board when the leaking roofs are going
to be completed, including gutters and downspouts so that
water will quit running into upstairs repaired units and
down the insides of the brick walls into several downstairs
units. These owners can't even begin to repair their units
since they flood every time it rains. Chet and the Board
also need have a professional contractor "seal" the bricks
on the walls that leak so profusely. I previously published
how this could be done rather inexpensively, compared to
previous technology.. with money that was already in the
"Replacement Account" (reserve account), which amounted to
nearly $30,000.00 back in August, 2005.

4) Last, but not least... if you are still waiting on money
from your private insurance company, attached are the
documents that you need to complete and send or fax to the
Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance so they can help you
with your individual claims. Unless you complain, they will
never be able to help you! I know of several people who
have used this "tool" and their insurance company
immediately contacted them!!!!

Once again, I hope you had a very merry Christmas...

And doing these 4 things will get you on the way to having a

Until next time... let "The Fountain of Information"

Lenny Vasbinder, Editor
"The Fountain of Information"
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Gutting & Tear-Outs,
Sheetrock & Flooring Removal, Handyman Repairs,
Homeowner's Contractors Agent (HCA), etc.
504-621-1870 eFax - 413-318-0742
NHSNOLA@Gmail.com LNVTM1@Gmail.com

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