Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fw: Not "The Fountain of Information"... just a PLEA FOR YOUR HELP FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS!!!

Dear Neighbors at FCC,

Please open the attached Wordpad document, entitled
"2005-1207-Petition to allow FEMA trailers..." which is a
Petition to the Board of Directors of FCC for our neighbors,
which is self explanatory. Please sign the petition or send
me back an email affirming that you will sign it and mail it
back or hand deliver it to me or one of the other Petition
collectors here at FCC.

Thank you on behalf of your hurricane victim neighbors and
God bless you and your family during the Christmas and
Holiday season. Please pray for the Board of Directors...
that they will have compassion and open their hearts to
their hurricane victim neighbors. Please pray for Chet
Hingle... that he will also have compassion and open his
heart to the many owners at FCC.


Lenny Vasbinder
6901 Veterans Blvd., Unit 94
Metairie, LA 70003
Hurricane Damage Cleanup, Gutting & Tear-Outs,
Sheetrock & Flooring Removal, Handyman Repairs,
Homeowner's Contractors Agent (HCA), etc.
504-621-1870 eFax - 413-318-0742
NHSNOLA@Gmail.com LNVTM1@Gmail.com

Here is the Petition:

To: Sultan Mirza (NON-RESIDENT, President, owner of unit
#48), Donald Gauthreaux (resident, Vice-President, owner of
unit #39) and James Williams (resident, Secretary/Treasurer,
owner of unit #79), collectively known as the Board of
Directors of FCCA

From: The below signed concerned FCCA homeowners and/or
tenants (collectively known as your neighbors)

Date: ________________________


Wherefore, considering the fact that approximately sixty
(60) unit owners/tenants/neighbors were affected by
Hurricane Katrina storm and flood damages; and further, that
many of these unit owners/tenants/neighbors have
catastrophic losses to their units and have not received any
insurance money; and further, that many of these unit owners
(and our friends and neighbors) are living with relatives,
living in motel rooms, living out-of-town and hundreds of
miles away, or living in their gutted units; and further,
that FEMA has approved FCC property for placement of
trailers in the rear yards and rear parking lot next to the
canal so it will not be an "eyesore" to anyone who might
consider it one; and further, that Chet Hingle and/or the
Board of Directors told people that they could not put a
FEMA trailer on the property "because he doesn't want FCC to
look like a trailer park" (while he has a FEMA trailer
sitting in front of his big two story home located at 4009
Transcontinental Dr., Metairie, LA); and further, that FEMA
had approved and delivered the first trailer on Monday,
December 06, 2005; and further, that a FEMA crew came to
hook up the electrical and plumbing on Tuesday, December 07,
2005 and Chet Hingle ordered them off of the property so
they were not able to complete the hook-up of this owners
FEMA trailer; and further, that only six (6) people have
expressed an interest in living in a FEMA trailer at this
time and there is plenty of room for those six (6) and many
more trailers in the back parking lot; and further, it is
the Christmas and Holiday season and these families and
children just want to live close to "home" while they are
waiting patiently for their insurance money and for their
units to be repaired and renovated.

Considering the above information, the below named and
signed unit owners and/or tenants (collectively known as
your neighbors) do hereby petition the Board of Directors of
FCCA to order Chet Hingle to quit interfering with people
getting FEMA trailers and/or to hold an emergency meeting to
change any bylaws to allow FEMA trailers on the property
during this time of crisis and disaster.

(Instructions - Please sign next to your unit number, fill
in the date and circle whether you are an owner or tenant.
If there are more than one adult owners / tenants, please
have other adult owner/tenants fill out one of the blank
signature lines at the bottom, with their unit number,
signature, date and circle owner or tenant. Please HAND
WRITE your name after your signature or above/below so the
Board will recognize your name)

UNIT # -

Date___________, Owner / Tenant

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